Honourable mention: »Neubau für das Robert Koch-Institut in Berlin«

Our competition entry »Neubau des Laborgebäudes Haus 7 für das Robert Koch-Institut« in Berlin has been awarded with an honourable mention. For this we collaborated with structural engineers Mayr Ludescher Partner, dr. heinekamp, experts for laboratory planning and cleanroom technology, and facade planner Dress+ Sommer.

Choose your favourite project of the »2023 IOC IPC IAKS Architecture Award«

For the first time in the history of the IOC IPC IAKS Architecture Awards, the public is being asked to vote for their favourite project. Vote for our Sports Center for Überlingen School Campus in the category » Indoor facilities for sports, leisure and recreation« Covering the whole spectrum of sports and leisure facilities – indoors, outdoors and in the water, there are a total of 86 projects in six categories to choose. You can vote for your top candidate in each of the six categories.

vote here

Groundbreaking ceremony at the parish hall Christuskirche Sandhausen

The construction of the new parish hall of the Christuskirche in Sandhausen can start now. Recently the protestant parish, mayor Hakan Günes and guests celebrated on 25 07 03 the groundbreaking ceremony. The Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung reported about it, using the title »Die Kirche bleibt im Dorf« not without a wink.

C2C Fire Station Straubenhardt on the blog IBA27.de

Ingmar Menzer explained how the Fire Station in Straubenhardt has been designed and built in accordance with the »Cradle to Cradle« principle at the Symposium for Sustainable Building in Baden-Württemberg. This event has now been published on the blog of IBA27.

Find out more

Awarded as Exemplary Building: »Büro- und Geschäftshaus Stiftstraße 3«

The jury, chaired by Stephan Weber, awarded 24 objects as all-round successful solutions for the individual building tasks from the 94 that were submitted. We are pleased about the award »Exemplary Building Stuttgart 2019-2023« for the Office and Commercial Building at Stiftstraße 3. Together with the chairman of the jury, patron and mayor Dr. Frank Nopper will be handing over certificates and plaques on November 23, 2023 to the clients and architects. The same day the traveling exhibition will be opened.

see list of award winners
to the article by Stuttgarter Zeitung

»S-B_AA Schaufenster-Bummel anderer Art« exhibition in Aalen

There is a lot to discover while strolling in Aalen! The BDA Ostwürttemberg invites you to a different kind of window shopping in the pedestrian area: The buildings from 2023 and 2020, winners of the Hugo Häring award, are shown in the windows of two empty shops. Our Customer Center Bosch Automotive Steering in Schwäbisch Gmünd was awarded in 2020 and is part of the exhibition.

Duration of the exhibition: July 29, 2023 – August 30, 2023
Location: Aalen pedestrian area

Award-winning buildings of 2020: Roßstraße 10, in the shop windows next to the »Christine Fischer« hairdressing salon
Award-winning buildings of 2023: Marktplatz 23, in the shop windows opposite the »Kubus« 

Awarded: »Staatspreis für Architektur und Städtebau«

Our Canteen and Media Center in Darmstadt was awarded the »Staatspreis für Architektur und Städtebau« (The State Prize for Architecture and Urban Development) in the category »Social Infrastructure«! The jury for the »Vorbildliche Bauten im Land Hessen 2023« (Exemplary Buildings in the State of Hessen 2023), chaired by Brigitte Holz and Rainer Hofmann, judged: »The new canteen building impresses with its uncompromising clarity and wonderful design. The project is a lesson in outstanding architectural quality [...]« We are delighted to have received this award - congratulations to the entire project team!

Opening Ceremony of the HPC Helmholtz Pioneer Campus in Munich

Yesterday, under the motto »Engineering the Future of Medicine«, the HPC Pioneer Campus in Munich celebrated its inauguration. The laboratory and office building combines open, co-working and high-tech laboratory spaces and offers room for the three central research areas: Bioengineering, biomedicine and biomedical AI.
The CEO and founding director of Helmholtz Munich stated that »The commissioning of this new, ultra-modern cutting-edge research building is an important milestone for young professionals in medical research and development«.

to the article by Nachrichten München

to the article by Helmholtz

link to the video on BR

to the article by Münchner Merkur

Awarded 1st prize: Rhenaniastraße High School, Berlin

We are very pleased to have been awarded 1st prize in the competition for the  »Rhenaniastraße High School« in Berlin-Spandau! The award winning design was created in collaboration with the landscape architects Planstatt Senner, the structural engineers knippershelbig and the planning office Dernbach. Crongratulations to the successful competition team!

The new building rounds off the residential development in the Wasserstadt Oberhavel. It creates a forecourt on Rhenaniastraße and, with its four segments, integrates sensitively into the green space with its prized tree population. Atop a slab raised slightly to avoid flooding, a wooden spatial framework that can be used flexibly rises up to heights that range from 2 to 4 stories. The building’s articulation corresponds to the educational compartments, and the sports hall also forms part of the composition.

Awarded 1st prize: »Vocational Education Campus« in Sulgen (CH)

Great success: Our Competition Entry for the »Vocational Education Campus in Sulgen (CH)« has been awarded 1st prize! In a team with the structural engineer wh-p engineers from Stuttgart we developed the design for the campus. Congratulations to the entire competition team!

The »Berufsbildungscampus Ostschweiz«, a vocational education campus in Sulgen that serves the Eastern Switzerland region, is intended to be a sustainable and future-oriented project that consolidates spaces for courses from different trades and industrial sectors. A simply shaped building form, functionally organized and tectonically elaborated, embodies the idea of a robust and versatile basic framework.