Exhibition opening »House for Family and Education« in Berlin

The new »House for Family and Education« is to convey a sense of home and security and to present itself as an inviting contact point for the entire neighborhood. It is part of an ecological model project. Our design, which was awarded 1st prize, is staged among all competition entries in an exhibition opening today.

Location: Franz-Mehring-Platz 1, ground floor, 10243 Berlin
Vernissage: 17 December 2021, 6 p.m.
Exhibition period: 18 Dezember 2021 – 14 Januar 2022

more information

Awarded 1st prize: our design for the »Learning Center, University Cologne«!

Our design, which derives from the urban context, envisages a polygonal building with a stepped back top floor. The building has an irregular hexagonal configuration developed on a continuous triangular grid.

all entries


»Sports Center in Überlingen«: overall winner of Heinze ArchitektenAWARD 2021!

316 projects were submitted for this year's Heinze ArchitektenAWARD. We're delighted that our Sports Center for Überlingen School Campus was elected »best project of the award«.
»Mit einfachen Mitteln schafft der Architekt einen Ort der Begegnung, sowohl im Inneren als auch im Kontext des umliegenden Campus«, says the jury.

see all laureates

Stuttgart: draftsperson wanted

We're currently looking for a draftsperson to join our team in Stuttgart!

see job advertisement in German

Tobias Wulf as a speaker at Heinze ArchitektTour Congress in Duisburg

In his lecture »Sport im Dreierpack« (triplet pack of sports) Tobias Wulf talks about the concept and completion of our Sports Center in Überlingen at Heinze ArchitekTour congress. 

Date: 25 November 2021
Time: 7:30 p.m.

Programme and registration for live-stream


The Geschwister Scholl High School is to be renovated, extended and turned into a contemporary learning space. We suggested to add a storey in a light and sustainable timber construction and to extend the eastern part of the school building to create a symmetrical figure. The façade will be covered with a wooden grid and access balconies linking the interior with the green exterior. Our competition entry was awarded an honourable mention!

all entries

On site: Secondary School in Gerlingen

The construction works on our Secondary School in Gerlingen are in full swing. The existing school building is being renovated and extended. Among many other things, the pillars of the existing building had to be replaced, thus, a temporary supporting structure was added.

On site in Mannheim und Darmstadt

We had photo shoots at »GESIS Leibniz Institute for Social Sciences« in Mannheim and »Canteen of the North Vocational Training Center« in Darmstadt. We're looking forward to the photos of our projects, which have been completed this year.

Our Hessenwaldschule was part of the art project »Flashlines«

Last week, our Hessenwald School in Weiterstadt was part of the »Flashlines« project by the artist couple Daniela and Pascal Kulcsár. 30 buildings and objects were staged with colourful projections. This event is part of an artist promotion by the state of Hesse, with the aim to make art and culture digitally accessible for the public.

This month's issue of db deutsche bauzeitschrift featured our Sports Center in Überlingen with a review by Martin Höchst.