»Hugo Häring Auszeichnung« handed over in Schwäbisch Gmünd

Last week, the Hugo Häring badge was handed over on the factory site of Bosch Automotive Steering in Schwäbisch Gmünd. Our »Customer Center« was awarded with a »Hugo Häring Auszeichnung 2020«.

A 3rd prize for our competition entry »Neubau Stadtbahnbetriebshof Weilimdorf«

Our design for the new construction of a light rail depot consisting of a service building, a workshop and holding tracks was awarded with one of two 3rd prizes.

Extract from jury statement: »Die Arbeit entwickelt so aus einer kraftvollen Grundidee einen guten Vorschlag für die gestellte Aufgabe, einer Verbindung von großmaßstäblicher Infrastruktur, Architektur und Landschaft.«

DAM Preis 2022: Our »Sports Center« is one out of 100 longlisted buildings

We are excited to announce that our »Sports Center for Überlingen School Campus« is longlisted for the architecture award DAM Preis 2022. Every year, the Deutsches Architektur Museum (German Architecture Museum) nominates 100 remarkable buildings or ensembles, taking into account the proposals of the Chambers of Architects.

view longlist

»Tag der Architektur 2021« in Berlin

As part of the »Tag der Architektur 2021« (Architecture Day 2021), the Berlin Chamber of Architects organises architectural tours as well as open offices. We will be a part of it and open the doors of our Berlin office! Among other things, we present our projects »Institutional Building for Food Safety and Hygiene« and »House for Family and Education« in Berlin.

Wiener Straße 18, Hinterhaus 2. OG, 10999 Berlin

26 June 2021

2p.m. – 6p.m., office tour and short lecture every hour on the hour

Register here: info[at]wulfarchitekten.com


Time travel with wa wettbewerbe aktuell: Competition »Rhodarium Bremen«, 1998

The column »time travel« in the monthly architecture magazine wa wettbewerbe aktuell presents historical competitions. In the current issue (6/2021), Tobias Wulf writes about our 1st prize »Rhodarium Bremen« in 1998. Unfortunately, our scheme has never been built, but we enjoy reminiscing about it.

1st prize in Berlin: »House for Family and Education«

We are excited about our 1st prize in Berlin Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg! Our scheme responds to the building assignment for the »House for Family and Education« with a two-storey, clearly structured building in a timber construction.

The online magazine German-Architects presents our Sports Center for Überlingen School Campus as »Building of the Week«.

read the article in German

Competition entry for new Social Security Court in Winterthur awarded

Our scheme »nomine iustitiae« was awarded with the 5th prize. Our design for the new Social Security Court in Winterthur envisages a transparent building. The plenary hall, meeting areas and offices are grouped around a central atrium. The timber-frame construction remains visible through the facade consisting of gently inclining glass panels.

online exhibition

»Four Primary Schools« in »The New Complexity – Contemporary Architecture in Germany«

As a part of the exhibition »The New Complexity – Contemporary Architecture in Germany«, our »Four Primary Schools in Modular Design« in Munich are on display at China Design Museum in Hangzhou. The exhibition poses the question whether there is a German Architecture and dervies heritage and trends from eleven significant buildings in Germany.

more information

China Design Museum of CAA
No.352 Xiangshan Road, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China

Exhibition period
30 04 — 30 06 2021

»HPC Helmholtz Pioneer Campus«: Lecture by Steffen Vogt at Laborrunde 2021

This year's Laborrunde conference starts off with an online symposium on  the topic »From future to present: building laboratories today which will function tomorrow«. Steffen Vogt talks about our ongoing project HPC Helmholtz Pioneer Campus in Munich (completion: 2022). A face-to-face event is scheduled for November.

More information and registration


06 May 2021

14:45 a.m.