DZNE German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases in Bonn

Our design is based on a clear division of the spatial program into three freestanding buildings that form a coherent ensemble with generous intervening outdoor areas and are joined to each other by hinges that are used as meeting points. The characteristic, organic form of the ensemble is reminiscent of biological cell structures and establishes a new identity for the DZNE on the Venusberg campus.


The new building for the DZNE, where research is conducted on various brain diseases, is located on the southern edge of the Venusberg Campus of the University Hospital in Bonn. The building volume is divided into three distinctive, organically shaped individual buildings. The tripartite division corresponds to the internal functions: the entrance building with the shared facilities (auditorium, cafeteria, library) and clinical research, the central research building with the laboratories for basic research, and the preclinical institute.

The defining element of the site is a pine forest. Despite the sizable volume of construction, the buildings are successfully integrated within the forest thanks to the shapes of the buildings and their facade design. Even though the workstations are up to 17 meters from the facade, the unique setting within the forest can be felt everywhere. This feeling is underscored by the striking facade of glass panels, which thematizes the forest by reflecting it – both inward and outward – and by taking on the colors of its foliage, which change with the seasons, through the varied hues of the glass.


VOF procedure
09 2011

Start of planning
01 2012

06 2017

Deutsches Zentrum für Neurodegenerative Erkrankungen in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft (DZNE), Bonn

Sigmund-Freud-Straße 27, 53127 Bonn


  • Bewertungssystem Nachhaltiges Bauen für Bundesgebäude (BNB): Gold

Construction costs
appr. 127 Mio Euros

Project management
Drees & Sommer GmbH, Köln

Team general planning

wulf architekten, Stuttgart

Competition team
Steffen Vogt, Andreas Moll, Boris Weix

Planning team
Steffen Vogt (PL), Harald Baumann, Julia Beierbach, Regina Brenner, Indre Herrmann, Andreas Kolb, Anja Lauser, Daniela Momirowski, Cristiana Moura, Jakup Pakula, Sonja Schmuker, Sebastian Stocker, Gaston Stoff, Anna Teresa Tiefert, Stephan Tittl, Boris Weix, Ana Yotova

Local construction management 
Alber & Schulze Baumanagement GmbH, Stuttgart

Structure planning
Mayr | Ludescher | Partner, Stuttgart

Laboratory planning
Dr. Heinekamp Labor- und Institutsplanung, Karlsfeld

HVS planning (Laboratory buildings and preclinical center)
IGF Ingenieurgesellschaft Feldmeier mbH, Münster

HVS planning (Entrance building)
IWP Ingenieurbüro für Systemplanung GmbH, Stuttgart

Landscape design
Adler & Olesch GmbH, Mainz

Orientation system
büro uebele visuelle kommunikation, Stuttgart

© Steffen Vogt for wulf architekten
