New Outpatient Center for the Cantonal Hospital of Lucerne (LUKS)

With the construction of a new outpatient center, the Cantonal Hospital of Lucerne (Suisse) is undertaking an important step toward a modern hospital infrastructure. Our »Asklepios« design envisages two individual buildings: The larger one accommodates all functions for visitors and patients of the new outpatient center, while the smaller one contains separate or non-patient functions as well as a roof garden. In the interest of permeable and open urban design, an attractive outdoor stairway runs between the two structures, providing an alternative to the main approach via the steps from the hospital plaza. The design creates a valuable link to the park that will be created in a later construction phase on the site of the existing main building.


The outer skin is a delicate, regularly structured facade with bright, horizontal photovoltaic elements. The interior is dominated by warm, natural materials and the exposed wood structure. At the center of the large outpatient building, the landscaped atrium offers an oasis of calm and relaxation that also sustainably improves the indoor microclimate. Overall, the architectural concept combines efficiency, economy, sustainability, and safety to create a future-oriented, modern hospital environment. The primary structure has been developed with modular disassembly and reuse in mind. The project will comply with the Swiss Minergie-P-ECO standard.


Two-stage competition with dialogue procedure (Suisse) 04 2024 / 1st prize

Aron Lorincz Ateliers

Pfister Modellbau