Ceremonial inauguration: Primary School on Waldmeisterstraße in Munich

On May 19th the Primary School on Waldmeisterstraße, which was designed according to the »Munich Learning House Concept«, celebrated its official openening. With speeches, performances and guided tours through the new building, the first construction phase was inaugurated. The following construction phases are to be completed in 2024.

Awarded 3rd prize:»National Philharmonic Hall in Chișinău, Republic of Moldova«!

We are very pleased to have been awarded 3rd prize in the international competition for the »Chișinău "Serghei Lunchevici" National Philharmonic Orchestra«!

Our concept is based on the maxim of mainting as many parts as possible from the original building in order to preserve an authenticity while the part to be added expresses itself through a contemporary architectural language. It creates a new, characteristic contour of the silhouette that emphasizes the importance of the cultural building and enriches the urban environment. And despite of preserving the historical footprint, the building volume remains compact.

C2C-Fire Station in Straubenhardt published in the AD Magazine

Cradle-to-cradle: How the circle is closed with sustainable architecture - Florian Heilmeyer highlights the circular economy in the building industry as part of the »green recovery program towards climate neutrality«. Next to other projects, our fire station in Straubenhardt is presented in the lastest edition of AD Magazin in which Ingmar Menzer explains the use of the various building materials.

read the article

Historical Oberamteistraße in Reutlingen part of the »Tag der Städtebauförderung 2023«

On May 13, 2023, events to promote urban development will take place throughout Germany. On this day, cities and municipalities will provide informations about their urban development projects. The Reutlingen contribution focuses on the monument-appropriate renovation of the Historical Oberamteistraße.

when: Saturday, May 13 at 11 a.m
where: Heimatmuseum Reutlingen, Oberamteistraße 22, 72764 Reutlingen

more informations (in german)

competitionline 2022: we are ranked 5th!

We are happy to announce that we came in 5th in the »architecture« category of 2022! Every year, competitionline.com evaluates all competition results listed on their platform and ranks the most successful architectural offices. In 2022 we managed to receive two 1st and four 2nd and 3rd prizes! Congratulations to our successful competition team! Chapeau!

Fire Station in Straubenhardt featured in »Bauwelt 7.2023«

Our Fire Station in Straubenhardt was published in the magazine »Bauwelt – Stadt 7.2023« as part of the project »S,M,L,XL des Re-Use«. In the article »Landgemeinde folgt Kreislauf« the author Benedikt Crone presents the project and explains the community of Straubenhardts’ approach of how to build according to the cradle-to-cradle principle.

On site: New Laboratory Jülich in timber hybrid construction

We are planning a new laboratory and office building for the Institute of Energy and Climate Research at Forschungszentrum Jülich. The 100 meters long timber hybrid construction also comprises the industrial electrochemical competence centre ELECTRA. Its core houses the two-story hall for the NMR instruments.

Our Fire Station in Straubenhardt is »Building of the week« on german architects

»Gestapelt auf engem Raum« – the online-platform german architects.com is featuring our  C2C-Fire Station in Straubenhardt as »Building of the week«.

Bavarian State Police is featured on dezeen.com

»Wulf Architekten creates "strong, yet elegant" police station in Bavaria« – the international online magazine for architecture and design »dezeen« features our Bavarian State Police, which has been completed in 2022.

Awarded 2nd prize: »IPAI« in Heilbronn!

We are delighted to have been awarded 2nd prize in the international competition for the new architectural design of the  »IPAI - Innovation Park Artificial Intelligence« in Heilbronn! The design was created in collaboration with the landscape architects Riehl Bauermann & Partner, structural engineers wh-p Ingenieure, engineers for environment and climate Transplan and the traffic planners BS Ingenieure. Crongratulations to the whole competition team!

The topography of the Steinäcker competition site is the starting point for our concept. The hilltop-like rise of the land inspired us to derive an architectural dramatization that generates a distinctive variation of building heights with an identity-conferring silhouette.The IPAI’s impact from afar is attained through a group of tall buildings that rise above the general building height profile. The project’s sensitive embedding within the local recreation area contributes to the social acceptance of the IPAI and its attractiveness to the public.