Hessenwald School receives 3rd price

At the VELUX Architekten-Wettbewerb Licht.Raum.Mensch. (Light.Room.Human.), honoring architecture that captivates through the conscious use of light and air, our »Hessenwald School« in Weiterstadt has been awarded 3rd price.

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Ingmar Menzer speaks at the Dialogue Series »trends, theses, typologies«

Ingmar Menzer, Andreas Hild and Eike Becker present their experiences in analogue and digital project planning at GROHE dialogues 2019.
Moderators are Sabine Gotthardt and Olaf Bartels.

Location: Baukunstarchiv NRW Ostwall 7, 44135 Dortmund
Date: 10 10 2019
Time: 19:00 Uhr


On September 24, the groundbreaking ceremony of the restoration and extension of the secondary school took place. The existing secondary school will be expanded from 2.5 to 3 units and extensively renovated. The cut of the spade was celebrated in presence of Mayor Georg Brenner.

Shortlist — Competition »National Concert Hall in Vilnius«

Our proposal for the new construction of the National Concert Hall in Lithuania's capital Vilnius has been shortlisted. We reached the 6th place out of 248 entries for the open, international competition.

First stone laying of the Fire Station in Straubenhardt

On September 13, the first stone laying of the new fire station in Straubenhardt took place. The sustainable building is being planned and built in the spirit of »cradle to cradle«.

Historical Oberamteistrasse — what's going on behind the fence?

Answers to the question about what is going on behind the fence and the walls of the historic row of half-timbered houses are now provided by »peepholes«: Along with the head of the building department of the city of Reutlingen, Ulrike Hotz, Stephan Burger (wulf architekten) and Elke Nagel (strebewerk architekten) introduced the presentation on the construction fence.

Office and Commercial Building at Stiftstraße 3 — opening of Hermès store in Stuttgart

Our new office and commercial building at Stiftstraße 3 completes the appearance of Stuttgart's inner city between the shopping street Königstraße, the listed Stiftskirche and the market square. With its facade made of shell limestone, the new building subtly complements the surrounding ensemble from the 1950ies – in a contemporary way. Currently, the office spaces in the 2nd and 3rd floor are being equipped. The French label Hermès now opened its store on the ground floor.

Presentation by Tobias Wulf at the Architekten- und Planertag 2019 — Facade of the Parking Garage P22a

This year's Architekten- und Planertag (architects' and planners' day), organized by AiT-Dialog, is titled (RE)CONNECTING – URBANE RÄUME NEU VERNETZT. In addition to the symposium, the exhibition »Best Practice im Dialog – Entwurf und Detail« stages six innovative projects. Here, Tobias Wulf gives insights into our »Parking Garage Facade P22a« at the Cologne Exhibition Centre.

Location: ACO Academy Büdelsdorf, Am Friedrichsbrunnen, 24782 Büdelsdorf
Date: 12 September 2019
Time: 10:00 – 17:00 o'clock

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»National Open Monument Day« — Historical Oberamteistrasse in Reutlingen

On the occasion of this year's national Open Monument Day (Tag des offenen Denkmals) on September 08, we gave insights not only into the current status of our project but also into the architectural research taking place at the medieval row of half-timbered houses at Oberamteistrasse, Reutlingen.

The whole project comprises the structural stabilization and renovatation in conformity with monument preservation requirements as well as a new, translucent building which stabilizes the historical row of houses. Inside, the new structure will exhibit 800 years of architectural and cultural history.

Groundbreaking ceremony for HPC Helmholtz Pioneer Campus

On September 05, the groundbreaking ceremony of the new Helmholtz Pioneer Campus in Munich took place. The cut of the spade was celebrated in presence of Bavaria's prime minister Markus Söder. The HPC building is intended to fit in and yet, with its rhombus-shape, set an accent for the newly emerging »Gaborplatz«.