Inauguration ceremony of the community school of the Protestant Jakobus School

On November 29, the community school has been inaugurated. As 2nd construction phase, it now complements the existing ensemble of the Protestant Jakobus School in Karlsruhe. With its architecture, the new structure makes advanced and open learning methods possible.

Facade of P22a in the »Architekturführer Köln«

Our facade of the parking garage P22a at Koelnmesse in Cologne is part of the architecture guide »Architekturführer Köln«.

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Tobias and Gabriel Wulf at »Masters of Architecture« in Katowice

Tobias und Gabriel Wulf held a lecture titled »(non)architectural problems« within the series of lectures »Masters of Architecture«, organized by the Association of Polish Architects.

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Congress ZUKUNFTSRAUM Schule with Ingmar Menzer

»Neue Schulen: vielseitig, lebendig, lebenswert« (new schools: divers, lively, liveable): At the congress dedicated to future schools, ZUKUNFTSRAUM Schule, in Stuttgart on November 13, Ingmar Menzer and Friederike Heidland (Schulstiftung der Evangelischen Landeskirche in Baden) spoke about new paedagogic concepts and our Protestant Jakobus School in Karlsruhe.

Jakob-Sigle-Home: winner at Heinze ArchitektenAWARD 2019

The nursing home, which is currently being complemented by a home for in a second construction phase, is the winner in the category »welfare and public health«.

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BDA Köln Montagsgespräch with Tobias Wulf — Competition Campus Deutz

This time, the series of lectures »Montagsgespräch«, organised by the Association of German Architects (BDA), focuses on the new Campus of the University of Applied Sciences in Cologne. Tobias Wulf presents our design for the new building A, which has been awarded 1st prize in the competition in 2018. 

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»Forum Bauhütte« in Würzburg with Tobias Wulf

Tobias Wulf gives insights into our work as part of the lecture series »Forum Bauhütte« by the University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt. Free admission.

Date: 06 November 2019
Time: 18:15 p.m.
Location: Röntgenring 8, 97070 Würzburg, Fränkische Rohrwerke Hörsaal

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Steffen Vogt at the Daylight Symposium in Paris

In his lecture »Creating Architecture with Daylight«, Steffen Vogt presented our projects Hessenwald School, Trade Fair Hall 10 and DZNE at the 8th international Daylight Symposium on October 9.

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Topping out ceremony — GESIS at square B6, Mannheim

The topping out ceremony for the second construction phase - the new institute building for the GESIS Leibniz Institute for Social Sciences - took place on 24 October. In his speech, Tobias Wulf gave an overview of our project. The L-shaped building is directly connected to the Research and Teaching Building of the University of Mannheim completed by our office in 2017.

Under construction — Bavarian State Police Passau

A short film by the TV channel Niederbayern TV shows what's happening on the large-scale construction site in Passau. On the site, which is as huge as 4 football pitches, our new building for the Bavarian State Police in Passau is being built. Completion is expected for 2021.

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