»Four Primary Schools in Munich« published on educationsnapshots.com

The online portal educationsnapshots.com from Santa Barbara (California) has published our project »Four Primary Schools in Munich«. Educationsnapshots publishes outstanding international school buildings.

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Competition »Replacement for Building A on the Deutz Campus, TH Köln« – 1st Prize

Our proposal for the »Replacement for Building A on the Deutz Campus, TH Köln« has been awarded with the 1st Prize.

The design is to be understood as a reinterpretation of the building site defined in the master plan, in order to create a place that is generically flexible and yet establishes a specific identity, so as to form a space that will, in the future, continue to meet the creative and dynamic needs of a university in a characteristic and high quality manner – and to do so with simple and robust means.

Trade Fair Hall 10 of Messe Stuttgart on Baunetz.de

Our project »Trade Fair Hall 10 of Messe Stuttgart« has been published on Baunetz.de. Together with the construction of the Trade Fair Hall 10, which is completing now the southern series of halls, the entrance west has been upgraded and enlarged by a restaurant and a new conference area.

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Four Primary Schools in Munich on Baunetz Wissen.de

The Primary School at Gustl-Bayrhammer-Straße, one of the Four Primary Schools in Munich, has been published on Baunetz Wissen.de in an article titled »Modular design with concrete shells«.

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»Put an end to soulless boxes« – Interview with Tobias Wulf

The journalist Franziska Horn has published an interview with Tobias Wulf titled »Put an end to soulless boxes« about our project »Four Primary Schools in Munich«.

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Decision for the extension of the Regional Prison in Altstätten (CH)

Good news from Switzerland: Last sunday more than 80% of the voters in the canton of St. Gallen have opted for the extension and renovation of the Regional Prison in Altstätten. According to this decision the Regional Prison can be extended from up to now 45 to 126 places. Construction work is expected to begin in autumn 2019.

Four Primary Schools in Munich in wettbewerbe aktuell

Our project »Four Primary Schools in modular design in Munich« has been published in the current issue (11 / 2018) of wettbewerbe aktuell.

Four Primary Schools in Munich in werk, bauen + wohnen

The Swiss journal »werk, bauen + wohnen« (11/2018) published our project  »Four Primary Schools in Munich« in its recent edition.

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TV-Report about the »School Campus Überlingen«

Regio TV had a look at our building site in Überlingen:  

Link to the report

Lecture »Stil oder Haltung?« by Tobias Wulf in Dessau

As part of the lecture series »Dessauer Gespräche« Tobias Wulf gives a lecture »Stil oder Haltung?«

Location: Hochschule Anhalt, Fachbereich Architektur,
Building 08, Bauhausstraße 5, 06846 Dessau
Date: Wednesday, November 7, 2018
Time: 6:30 p.m.