Helmholtz Pioneer Campus in Munich

The Helmholtz Pioneer Campus (HPC), a new laboratory and office building in Neuherberg on the outskirts of Munich, provides a state-of-the-art workplace tailored to the specific needs of international scientists. The researchers work for limited periods of five to seven years in so-called »pioneer groups«. The Helmholtz Pioneer Campus promotes interdisciplinary collaboration, and its internal organization, which anticipates the structural framework of a campus, encourages formal and informal communication.


The reinforced concrete frame building in the distinctive shape of a rhombus takes up a self-confident position within the uniform orthogonal structure of the Helmholtz Center and sets a clear architectural accent on the newly created Gaborplatz. The overall building configuration is based on two symmetrically arranged, self-contained laboratory modules, flanked on three sides by office zones of variable design. At the center is a spacious atrium that integrates communication and work areas, allowing the facilities to be freely arranged on different floor levels. The atrium area enables the scientists to communicate and conduct research in varying constellations and spatial situations. Users have access to flexibly furnishable conference rooms and areas for informal work and presentations at the tapered ends of the building. Between them and the atrium, flex zones provide a highly configurable transition area with laboratory and office spaces. The laboratories can be partitioned off as needed with boxes that can be assembled and disassembled like lab furniture.

A large black and white mural sets the mood for visitors as soon as they enter the building. The unusual orientation system guides the researchers through all levels of the building. Taken together, the nine ribbons, each up to 18 meters long, form a sculpture that not only points the way, but also communicates the building’s identity.


VgV procedure
07 2017

Start of planning
09 2017

05 2024

Helmholtz Zentrum München, Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Gesundheit und Umwelt (GmbH), Neuherberg

Gebäude 3630 am Gaborplatz, Ingolstädter Landstraße 1, 85764 Neuherberg


Service phases

VgV team
Petra Millett, Daniela Weis, Julia Zumkeller

Planning team
Sonja Schmuker (TL), Julia Zumkeller (PL), Sana Barray, Linn Benz, Marcus Huber, Steffen Lepiorz, Anas Muhammed, Aliakbar Nazari, Kari Silloway, Boris Weix

General engineering
wulf architekten gmbh, Stuttgart

Project management
Seitz + Müller Projektmanagement GmbH, Planegg

Construction management
Alber & Schulze Baumanagement GmbH, Stuttgart

Structural engineering
wh-p GmbH Beratende Ingenieure, Stuttgart

Laboratory planning
Dr. Heinekamp Labor- und Institutsplanung GmbH, Karlsfeld

Landscape design
lohrer.hochrein, Landschaftsarchitekten und Stadtplaner gmbh, München

BNB certification and building physics
ee concept GmbH, Kirchheim a. N.

Guidance system
büro uebele visuelle kommunikation gmbh & co. kg, Stuttgart

Wall art
Shiwen Sven Wang

ELT planning
Müller & Bleher GmbH & Co. KG

Light planning
FAKTORLicht GmbH & Co. KG, Filderstadt

HLSK planning

Kitchen planning
Profi-tabel Resultants GmbH & Co. KG, Stuttgart

Fire protection
HHP Nord/Ost Beratende Ingenieure, Braunschweig

© Brigida González for wulf architekten
