Interim Venue for the Württemberg State Theater Stuttgart / Maker City Stuttgart

The Württemberg State Theater (Littmann Building) in Stuttgart’s Oberer Schloßgarten is scheduled for renovation and expansion. Three building plots on a site in Stuttgart-Nord have been made available for a temporary venue that will later be repurposed into a Maker City. In order to give creative expression to the essence of an interim situation, we explored the transience of a guest residency.


Our concept foresees a combination of permanence and flexibility: The new building will be constructed of robust, adaptable precast concrete elements that can continue to be used after the interim use. In a grand entry gesture, the mirrored exterior of the building swings forward to open two entrances. The stage area can later become an art space or city stage on Wagenhallenplatz for events, concerts, or open-air cinema, reminiscent of the time when operas were performed there.


06 2023

Aron Lorincz Ateliers

Béla Berec