Competition »Gymnasium Thun«: 6th prize

A new school building is to complement the existing High School. Our design »TIMBER« envisages a two-story structure in a timber construction and organizes the class rooms and a double sports hall in a consolidated floor plan.

Our recently completed Sports Center in Überlingen was published by the online architecture magazine BauNetz.

read the article in German

Customer Center Bosch Automotive Steering: Public voting »Building of the Year 2020«

One out of 50 projects published by the platform German Architects in the series »Building of the Week« will be elected »Building of the Year 2020«. Our Customer Center Bosch Automotive Steering in Schwäbisch Gmünd is a nominee, public voting is open until January 31st.

vote here

On an area the size of four football fields, a new office building of the Bavarian State Police in Passau is being built. The courtyard type, already clearly visible, is adapted to the slope of the terrain, exaggerating it in its silhouette to an emblematic type.

»The idea emerges from objections and doubts«

We wish you a healthy new year 2021 full of ideas!

We wish you a merry Christmas, take care!

Study: Models for our competition entry »Standortentwicklung Haroldstraße Düsseldorf«, which was awarded with the 2nd prize.

Competition entry »Neubau Grundschule und Erweiterung Mittelschule St. Zeno« in Bad Reichenhall

Our design for the new St. Zeno school campus with secondary school, primary school, day nursery, canteen and administration envisaged four buildings in timber construction, grouped around a common green space.

Recently completed project — Sports Center for Überlingen School Campus

2nd Prize: Städtebauliche Entwicklung Haroldstraße in Düsseldorf

Our design for the urban planning competition »Standortentwicklung an der Haroldstrasse in Düsseldorf« was awarded with the 2nd prize!

Cradle-to-cradle: Fire Station Straubenhardt

Our fire station in Straubenhardt is being planned and built in accordance with cradle-to-cradle design. Our animation shows its essential concept, the separation and stacking of the individual levels taking advantage of the hillside situation. Furthermore, all materials used are listed and can be returned to biological or technical cycles without leaving residues.