Extension of the Königin-Katharina-Stift School

The prominent location of the Königin-Katharina-Stift school on Stuttgart’s cultural mile and in the immediate vicinity of the city’s Staatstheater (state theater) and Staatsgalerie (state gallery) places high demands on the extension. The aim is to strengthen and complement the urban architectural ensemble and the existing historical building. The new building provides a deliberate contemporary contrast to the traditional historic school building. An flexibly configurable spatial structure and an open stage facing the nearby Oberer Schlossgarten park complement the existing school building with a new building that matches the school’s cultural orientation. 


The extension includes a semi-sunken gymnasium connected to the lobby by a generous flight of steps. These exterior steps can be used as tiered seating for performances and events, potentially even integrating the lobby. The cafeteria, auditorium, and music rooms are combined on the second floor as a flexibly interconnectable level that opens to the outdoor space facing the park. Each of the two floors above houses a learning cluster with a central forum. 

With a view to long-term spatial flexibility, the new school building is designed as an open framework. The load-bearing structure has an identity-establishing character. The space-capturing hybrid structure of wood and steel also envelops the terraced outdoor area toward the theater and complements the massing to create a clear and coherent overall figure. This structure provides the framework for a multilevel, multipurpose, and richly verdant outdoor recess area.


03 2025 / 3rd Prize

Structural engineering
wh-p Ingenieure, Stuttgart

Landscape design
Koeber Landschaftsarchitektur, Stuttgart


Aron Lorincz Ateliers

Béla Berec
